Emma Scaramozzino - December 03, 2020
She Said // She Said: Erica & Amy - Sisters + BFFS!

T his week's X-Said // X-Said features another sister duo - Erica & Amy! They are ten years apart in age, but definitely not in spirit. We decided to continue our blog series spin-off for the rest of the holiday season because we absolutely needed to share the tales of these two sisters. Keep reading for stories of broken rules, parties, flamingos, and peacocks!
Erica Said:
Who is the youngest / oldest sibling?
Amy is the older sibling by age but not in spirit. Amy's favorite party trick is asking who's older and how many years apart. No one gets it right! ....oh and jump splits.
Do you have a nickname(s) for Amy?
- Our last name is Oswick and Amy's always been Oz to her friends who lovingly called me Little Oz.
- Although we live far apart, we're always birds of a feather who always flock together, she's the peacock and I'm the flamingo.
Who got in trouble more as a kid?
Amy, no contest. She paved the way for just about about everything and I learned from her devious and smart ways. If you're going to throw a party, make sure everyone parks on a different street...But more importantly, if you're going to have a party, make it awesome. That's why she's "the bad one" and I'm "the adorable one".
What about having Amy as a sister are you most thankful for?
Despite our age difference of 10 years, Amy has always made time for me. I'm super thankful that despite being far away, we always pick up where we left off, finish each others sentences and always have the best time together. I know I can count on her if I ever need anything... and she'll always throw me a baller party.
What is Amy's biggest quirk?
Two come to mind: her ability to always make ordering food complicated with her very specific loves and hates for cuisine (aka pescatarian but make it Amy). It always makes for an interesting restaurant experience. And her costume game. She loved to dress up for every occasion and had the wardrobe to prove it. My favorite party trick when people ask what Amy is up to is to share her latest costume game which she just calls her Saturday night attire.
What would you say is Amy's biggest pet peeve?
Amy's philosophy: Always over dress, except your salad. Never ever whistle. And prosecco is not champagne or appropriate unless it's in an Aperol Spritz.
Which of you is more of a social butterfly?
Amy definitely taught me not to be a wall flower and that friendships are incredibly important. To that point she wins the trophy for social butterfly by a landslide. There's never been a trip, restaurant, or party where we haven't run into someone she knows. I'm serious, from Bodrum to Aspen, my sister knows EVERYONE!
What is the most valuable piece of advice Amy has given you?
Amy definitely taught me not to be a wallflower and to invest in relationships. She makes the most out of every opportunity and creates friendships along the way. There's never been a trip, restaurant or party where we haven't run into someone she knows. She's not afraid to be a peacock.
Amy Said:
Who is the youngest / oldest sibling?
I'm the oldest of three, Erica is the youngest, boasting a 10 year age gap.
Do you have a nickname(s) for Erica?
Trickster, The Trickster, Tricky Rikki, Rikki Ticky Tempo No Sarembo Charibariruchi Pitperrypembo
Who got in trouble more as a kid?
Definitely ME. As the first of 3 children, I blazed the trail for our first-time parents. By the time my brother and sister came along, there was hardly a rule that I hadn't broken or boundary that I hadn't tested. I was the wild child and broke my parents in. My brother & sister have me to thank because even when they were in trouble, they looked like sweet cherub angels in comparison. My sister somehow even managed to be nicknamed "The Adorable One" by my grandmother.
What about having Erica as a sister are you most thankful for?
Based on our 10 year age difference, I got to take Erica to show & tell at school. My girlfriends brought their Cabbage Patch dolls to show & I had the real thing: a baby! I am grateful for the experience of helping raise my "baby sister". Once we could connect as adults (when I could get her a fake ID to get into the bars when I lived in Chicago), our adult sisterhood bond was formed. Our relationship is the best, we have so much fun together. We are also a great support system and situation assessor to one another. I am thankful that my sister & I have the amazing bond that we do!
What is Erica's biggest quirk?
- Her drive to minimalism. This is quirky to me as I am definitely a maximalist: More IS More!
- Her intense and aggressive dislike of melons: I just don't understand it.
- Marrying Tim: he's the quirkiest of the family. And we love him for it!
- Her lactose intolerance, which she overcame in her adult life when she discovered milk & cheese that comes from goats.
What would you say is Erica's biggest pet peeve?
- Knock-off sneakers — she's an authentic OG Sneaker Pimp and collector.
- How her husband Tim only dresses their son Myles in a muted solid-colored clothing.
- A DJ, at any point in time that live music is available.
Which of you is more of a social butterfly?
Me. I'm the peacock; Erica is the flamingo. We are both unique and beautiful birds, but I definitely prefer to be in front of the crowd.
What is the most valuable piece of advice Erica has given you?
Leading by example as she cultivated her marriage and her family through love, patience and compromise. Learning that not getting what want in that moment, doesn't mean that you lose & can actually make your relationships stronger. She naturally reduces, rather than creates drama- which is an important lesson for any family dynamic.